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IIn the gentle embrace of dawn, she stood—a mosaic of untold tales woven within her soul. She wasn’t just a presence; she embodied a sonnet of fortitude and gentleness, a canvas painted with strokes of resilience and unyielding resolve. Her laughter rippled across landscapes, carrying the tranquility of dawn's first light, while her tears whispered narratives understood only by the endless expanse of the night sky. She thrived in the fluidity of her existence, unbounded by the limitations of definition, embracing vulnerability as a tribute to her boundless bravery.She personified elegance, a mysterious fusion of empathetic kindness and unshakable will, illuminating the world with shades of understanding and unwritten legends, forever attuned to the symphony of the cosmos.This beautiful sari is Handpainted sari by our local artists . This is from our ‘Moonflower’ collection.

Dual Tone_Moonflower HandPainted Saree

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₹2,680.00 Regular Price
₹1,995.00Sale Price
Color: purple
  • HandPainted Saree

    Colours Used : Fabric Colour

    Fabric : Cotton

    With Long Tassels

    Length - 6.20 mts

    No blouse Piece with the saree

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