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As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the world, she emerged from the vibrant sea of colors around her, twirling. Her coy smile hinted at a playful spirit within her, and it was as if the entire world was drawn to her radiance.
With her gaze seeming to twinkle in the fading sunlight, it was evident that she was a reminder that beauty truly comes from within, and that a playful spirit can light up the world around us. Her presence was captivating, and the sight of her twirling amidst the colorful backdrop was nothing short of mesmerizing.


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SKU: 0002
₹9,553.00 Regular Price
₹4,776.50Sale Price
Color: Pink
  • Our Paithani saree is a stunning six-yard drape, handcrafted by skilled artisans from the finest quality pure silk. Originating from Aurangabad, Maharashtra, this saree is known for its intricate weaving technique and has a rich cultural heritage.

     The saree's elaborate borders and vibrant motifs are woven with zari and cotton threads, creating a beautiful contrast against the silk fabric. Available in a range of colors, our Paithani saree is perfect for any occasion and is a statement of tradition and style that will be cherished for years to come.

    Our Paithani saree comes in a range of colors, from bold and bright hues to subtle pastels, making it a versatile option for any occasion. Whether it's a wedding, a religious ceremony or a social event, our Paithani saree is sure to add elegance and sophistication to your ensemble.

    Investing in a Paithani saree is not just about buying a beautiful piece of clothing, but it's also preserving a cultural art form that has been passed down from generation to generation. Our Paithani saree is a timeless addition to any wardrobe and a statement of tradition and style that will be cherished for years to come.


  • Length:  5.5 meters ; Width: 47 inches

    Blouse Piece: Yes, attached

    Wash Care: Dry Wash

    Note: The model is wearing a different blousepiece which doesn't come with the saree

    Fabric: Blended Silk

    Disclaimer:The pictures are clicked in daylight. Colour may vary slightly from the image due to the screen brightness
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